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Thursday, September 29, 2011

We need another miracle, Lord!

Well, if anyone is still reading and praying...
My middle daughter, Christy, needs our prayer and needs a miracle from God. About four years ago she hurt her back pretty badly lifting furniture. Over time and with adjustments her muscles built up around it and she could cope. Long story on how she got to this point, but bottom line... she has 6 herniated disks, doctors don't want to do surgery, she's in constant pain, using a wheelchair to get around and looking at long-term disability. It's the pain that makes coping so difficult. She is so worried because her precious husband, Peter, is doing all the house living stuff after work and taking care of Betsy. Betsy goes to preschool during the weekdays because Christy couldn't get her schoolwork done and couldn't physically chase a 2 yr old right now. She is really discouraged. The Vicodyn she lives on has complications and doesn't completely kill the pain, either.

ONLY GOD can take care of this. Please pray.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A year gone by...

You know how sometimes a year can seem like yesterday and other times a lifetime ago?

One year ago, on September 28, 201o, our world got turned upside down. Allen came home with a tremendous headache after work. I was rocking Betsy and said hello. He said hello to the girls and went to the kitchen for a snack. He headed back to the bedroom, as he usually does, to lay down and rest. A short time later Erin saw her daddy leaning up against the dresser not moving. He said he was in tremendous pain and couldn't straighten up. I ran in and he asked me to run cool water over the back of his head while he leaned over the tub. Within a few minutes he started talking gibberish and then passed out. Jamie called EMS and our journey began...

As I wrote in older posts, we went from VBMC Harlingen, expecting that he might die. After a week, still in a coma, we were airflighted to Houston where we rode a roller coaster of waiting for him to wake up, but hearing doctors say to prepare to let him go.

After a week here, a month in Houston, a month in ICU in a Harlingen LTAC and two months in Brownsville rehab hospital (not counting the nightmare week in Retama), our precious Allen came home to us. I had my dear, precious husband and the girls had their daddy (and granddaddy). Over seven months at home, including 3 or so months of home health rehab has taken him from nearly bedridden to up and around with a walker. The dizziness won't seem to go away completely and he still gets confused, but each week brings more healing.

I am every grateful, all our family is, that Allen is still with us. And better yet, he says he is grateful, too. With all he's gone through, it would be easy for him to wish he hadn't made it. After all, he'd be in the arms of Jesus and in heaven now. Sometimes I feel a little selfish for wanting him to stay, but not enough to change my mind.