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Sunday, December 12, 2010

God's hugs

Allen has a UTI (infection) that is resistant to the antibiotics and they've started a stronger one. I know they can do good, but I hate antibiotics for what they do to the body. He's lethargic and weak and his digestive system is a mess. Lord, please heal him-- all of him! ... and let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, Oh, Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

One of our brothers in the Lord hugged me and thanked me for taking care of his brother. He thanked me over and over as I cried on his shoulder. You know those times when God uses someone to hug you and touch your heart? Allen had a hard time recognizing me and I know unintentionally hurt my feelings. I had a hard time and I needed that hug. Thank you, Lord and thank you, Mixon.

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