1 Blessed is Allen who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 Allen is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever he does prospers.
Linda, we are so happy for all of you, but most of all glad that the insurance company finally saw the "light". Allen has more to do in this world and the Lord wants him to be able to do it and therefore he intervened as we all knew he would. It is so good to hear that Allen is starting rehab and we know it will be very hard on him and all of you for that matter, but just keep reaching for that thought that he IS going to come home to all of you. I can just image what it meant to him to see Betsy, not being able to see one of the loves of his life for 2 months had to be hard on him and I know Betsy was happy to see him. Just keep encouraging him and be patient as I am sure there will be days when he will be a really unahppy person because of the hard work he will have done, but he knows it is worth every bit of it to get him home to all of your faster. Our prayers are still with you all and please tell Allen how proud we are of him for working so hard to get better.
1 comment:
Linda, we are so happy for all of you, but most of all glad that the insurance company finally saw the "light". Allen has more to do in this world and the Lord wants him to be able to do it and therefore he intervened as we all knew he would. It is so good to hear that Allen is starting rehab and we know it will be very hard on him and all of you for that matter, but just keep reaching for that thought that he IS going to come home to all of you. I can just image what it meant to him to see Betsy, not being able to see one of the loves of his life for 2 months had to be hard on him and I know Betsy was happy to see him. Just keep encouraging him and be patient as I am sure there will be days when he will be a really unahppy person because of the hard work he will have done, but he knows it is worth every bit of it to get him home to all of your faster. Our prayers are still with you all and please tell Allen how proud we are of him for working so hard to get better.
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